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Document Lifetime

One of the things that must be considered when choosing a format for your digital document is its lifetime. For instance, an advertising banner or flier only lives a few weeks or months before a new is generated due to a new advertising campaign. On the other hand, a will or contract may need to live years or decades in the future. The articles describes several of the things that you need to consider before you go running into the world of digital documents.

Protecting Your Documents

Protecting your paperwork now is more important than ever. If paperwork is lost or destroyed your company may be facing civil or criminal charges. Just one look at the news headlines of today will give you a small preview as to what it could be like if your valueable records go to the landfill. You can take steps to make sure that this does not happen to your firm.

Pageflex Conversion to PDF Library 7.0.7

Digital Daemons, Inc. has completed work on converting its PDF Image software for Pageflex, Inc. to PDF Library 7.0.7. Because of the changes in the PDF Library API this was a challenge but was completed on time. The PDF Image software converts PDF pages to DIBs or EPS files and renders pages to a windows device context. The software is used in Pageflex's MPower product.

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